South County Healthy Living (SCHL) is published by Triple 3 Marketing (T3M). Our popular magazine and companion website helps our advertisers promote their business and sell their services and products throughout the region. Consistent advertising in either or both of our magazines promotes your business brand (services and products) with potential customers, clients and patients, depending on the nature of your business.
We hand deliver copies of each edition to more than 150 plus businesses in Venice, North Port, Wellen Park / West Villages, Nokomis, Osprey, and parts of Port Charlotte. That includes our advertisers, coffee shops, ice cream shops, select retail businesses, select restaurants, select car dealerships, select salons, waiting rooms, and many other locations. Good pick up locations include the Venice Farmers Market on Saturdays, Mission Organic Cafe, Max’s Table Restaurant, the local public libraries, Venice Art Center, North Port Art Center, and many other locations.
We also deliver copies to top realty companies that manage property rentals. This helps us showcase our advertisers to seasonal visitors, tourists and future residents. We also include a digital flipbook version of our prior three editions on our website to reach online readers. We use Instagram to promote advertisers at no additional cost.
Englewood Healthy Living (EHL): We also publish Englewood Healthy Living with 125 plus drop off locations in Englewood, Boca Grande, Manasota Key, Placida, and other areas on the Cape Haze Peninsula. Most of our advertisers are featured in both magazines since they target different communities. Learn more.
Our mini-magazine format is popular with adult readers and especially women. The convenient size makes SCHL easier to carry, share and display compared to full size magazines. Few topics interest adults more than their health and wellness. Every edition of SCHL features interviews with various advertisers. We also feature 27-30 news briefs in each edition mostly focused on our advertisers. We post interviews featured in our magazine on the Featured Content page of our website at no additional cost. Many of our postings are featured with Google and other search engines.
Please contact Randy Moore at about cover page availability and rates. This includes the back cover, inside front cover, inside back cover, and the two-page centerfold in the middle. Cover page advertisers can hold the cover page with ongoing advertising. The following rates are for inside pages excluding cover page options:
Ad Size 4X Discounted Rate Single Issue
Full Page Inside $195 per issue $240
Half Page $140 per issue $180
Quarter Page $ 80 per issue $125
Eighth Page $50 per issue $80
Full Page, Half Page, Quarter Page, and Eighth Page:
Full Page:
5.5” wide X 8.5” tall; the specs for a full page ad without any borders follows:
Dimensions with the required bleed area around the edges – 5.75″ wide X 8.75” tall
The text and graphics must fit inside 5″ wide X 7.65” even though the ad runs all the way to the edge.
Half Page:
5” wide X 3.75” tall
Quarter Page:
Note – Most clients let us pick the version we think works best for their logo and art. The cost is the same for either version.
Standup version is 2.375” wide X 3.75” tall
Laydown version is 5” wide X 1.75” tall
Eighth Page:
2.375″ wide X 1.8″ tall
Note – Our smallest ad can feature your logo or art element, your website URL, phone number and address.
Please reserve your ad as early as possible. The following deadlines are for camera ready ads. Please email at least two weeks ahead of the deadline if you would like us to design your ad subject to your approval. We design about 90 percent of new ads.
September 10, 2024 – Fall Holiday Edition – Distribution mid-October 2024 through mid-January 2025.
December 10, 2024 – Winter High Season Edition – Distribution mid-January through early April 2025
March 10, 2025 – Spring Summer Edition – Distribution mid-April through July 2025
PDF, TIF, JPG, or EPS files.
We do not accept Microsoft Publisher files or documents.
Images must be no less than 300 dpi at the desired size of your ad.
Please use CMYK color mode and not RGB.
Please convert all text to outlines.
We’ll confirm via email if the camera ready ad meets our design specs.
The biggest issue is some graphic professionals forget to include the bleed space for a full page ad.
All first time display ads must be purchased prior to going to press either by a check payable to Triple 3 Marketing or through PayPal.
The 4X discounted rate requires your ad appearing in four consecutive editions. You do not need to pay for all four ads in advance.
We invoice advertisers at least 2-3 weeks prior to going to press.
Advertisers agreeing to the 4X discounted rate who do not display their ad in the 4 consecutive editions will be billed for the difference between the single issue rate and 4X discounted rate.
Ad rates are for camera ready display ads.
We can design your ad for a one-time fee. The fee range is $30 and $45 depending on the time involved.
We design most of new display ads. We accept camera-ready ads, but they must fit our design specifications.
We will provide you with an ad proof for your review and approval. Only client-approved ads are featured.
Future ad changes on existing ads are free if its a simple update such as a new telephone number or a new website URL. Ad changes on existing ads with more changes can cost between $15 and $30 depending on how much time it takes to make the changes.
We can increase the rates for ads at any time, but new rates do not go in effect for current advertisers until their ad comes up for renewal.
Inquiries welcome at
We also builds fully optimized websites, prepare and distribute professional media releases, provide professional editing support, and provide consulting on sales, marketing and business development.
Thank you for your interest in South County Healthy Living.
Please visit our companion website for Englewood Healthy Living.