By Traci Dalrymple – Essential oils support the immune and respiratory systems making them a great tool to help support your health during cold and flu season. There are many oils that support the immune and respiratory systems. I will share my top three choices for both and ways to incorporate them into your daily routine. As with any natural, holistic modality consistency and safe use of oils is important for long-term therapeutic support. Let’s first take a look at three oils that support our immune systems.
My top three choices are lavender, orange and sweet basil. Lavender and sweet basil are high in a chemical component called linalool. Linalool encourages white blood cell growth. With high amounts of linalool in both these essential oils, they are great choices to support your immune health. All citrus oils are high in a chemical component called limonene. Orange has one of the highest amounts with about 90%. Limonene also encourages white blood cell growth making it a great choice for immune support too. To give you a comparison of some other citrus oils, lemon has about 70% limonene.
Peppermint, eucalyptus and rosemary are very good at opening breathing airways and supporting our lungs. Peppermint is exceptional at opening the nostrils and giving an energy boost. Eucalyptus is good at getting rid of unwanted moisture and dampness in the lungs. And rosemary is also good for concentration, focus and memory support.
Using essential oils consistently is the key to benefiting from their health benefits. Here are 3 tips for incorporating them into your daily life.
- Add 2 drops eucalyptus, peppermint or rosemary to your shower floor before stepping in every day. Breathing in the oils with the steam from the shower is very beneficial and supportive.
- Add 5 drops to an essential oil necklace, bracelet or car diffuser.
- Add 2 drops lavender, orange and sweet basil to a cotton ball. Carry it in your pocket and breathe in deeply throughout the day.
Of course, if you have an essential oil diffuser at home or work, try to diffuse once a day. Five or six drops per run time is a safe way to use the essential oils in a diffuser. Less is usually more when using essential oils.
Essential oil blends are several essential oils blended together. There is a synergistic effect of blending them that makes them stronger together. Some of the most popular essential oil blends we carry at Kokokahn include Breathe, Immunity and Purify. Breathe has peppermint, eucalyptus, rosemary, spike lavender, and black spruce essential oils. It’s a great blend for respiratory support. The blend Immunity has six immune supporting essential oils including lavender, orange and frankincense. And finally, the blend Purify features the airborne antimicrobial oils cinnamon and clove. Purify is a great addition for promoting a germ-free environment at home or work.
One important side note on how to use essential oils safely. Do not put them on your skin undiluted. Especially peppermint, rosemary and eucalyptus as they can cause burning and irritation. If you do get undiluted essential oils on your skin, apply some butter or olive oil and wipe off with a tissue. Essential oils are fat soluble, not water soluble. They will stick to fatty substances, like olive oil, and come right off. Water, on the other hand, doesn’t help much at all.
Traci Dalrymple is a certified aromatherapist with 20 plus years of experience with essential oils and product formulation. She’s the founder of Kokokahn Pure Essential Oils in North Port, Florida. Learn more at