Editor’s Note: We spoke with Renee Gillis, an independent sales consultant with Norwex living in Rotonda West, Florida. The Norwegian-based company has been providing products around the world for 25 years. Please call 404-281-9025. Visit ReneeGillis.Norwex.biz.
Renee, please
introduce Norwex to our readers.
Norwex is a direct sales
company celebrating 25 years of providing healthy, eco-friendly products to
customers around the world.
How does Norwex
reduce harmful chemical toxins that are so integral to modern life?
With our microfiber
products you can clean with just water. There is no need for chemicals. There
are two main ways to clean, chemically and mechanically. Norwex cleans mechanically.
Our microfiber physically removes 99 percent of bacteria from a surface when
used and cared for properly. It doesn’t kill it, it removes it, and leaves no
harmful chemical residue behind.
What are a few of the
most popular products?
Our Envirocloth, Window
Cloth, Dusting Mitt, Laundry Detergent, and Cleaning Paste are all part of our
Safe Haven Five package. Additionally, everyone loves our Superior Mop System.
These six products help to replace all chemical cleaning products in a home.
When did you join
Norwex and what has your experience been like?
I bought my first Norwex
product in March 2017. I was amazed at how well it worked. I decided to become
a consultant because I wanted to let other people know how they could save time
and money while reducing chemicals in their home. My experience has been
incredible. Norwex is a wonderful company to be a part of. I love hosting
parties, meeting new friends, and helping people create safe havens.
Please explain how a
person can earn free products from hosting an education party.
It’s easy and fun. They
invite some friends over, and I demonstrate Norwex products including a raw
chicken demo. As their guests place orders, the host earns lots of free
products as a thank you for allowing me to introduce Norwex.
Where are you from
originally and what brought you and Steve to the Englewood area?
I’m a Florida Cracker
originally from West Palm Beach. Steve and I lived in Rotonda from 1999-2003.
We moved back in 2013 to help take care of my parents who were both diagnosed
with cancer.
What would you like to share about your two children and your experience with homeschooling?
Steve and I are blessed to have two amazing children. Neither of us were home schooled so this was a new adventure for our entire family. It’s been so much fun to watch our children learn. Homeschooling is a perfect fit for our family.