Editor’s Note: We spoke with Deana Cotter to learn more about her coaching practice and related experiences. Call Deana for a free consultation at 860-608-6000. Learn more at DeanaCotter.com.
Deana, please explain how you help your clients. I’m a Certified Intrinsic Wellness Coach. I assist people in transforming their life through organic superfood nutrition. I believe the quality of food you eat is equal to the quality of life you live.
What would you like to share about your organic nutrition program? It is an easy and effective program that nourishes and detoxifies your body. This program has helped many people improve their gut health, body weight, sleep patterns, energy, digestion, skin health, and mental focus. I teach people that weight loss does not always mean health. But a healthy weight is a side effect of health! The products I offer are organic, pure and premium. There is nothing synthetic, artificial or with added fillers. The products are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, healthy fats and fiber. These are essential for optimum health.
Why is organic food important? My favorite question! A lot of our food in this country is loaded with toxic chemicals. Not only are you ingesting these chemicals, but the food itself lacks the nutrients it’s supposed to have. Our soil is depleted of nutrients therefore our food is. Buying organic food is a way to guarantee that the food has been produced without toxic pesticides, genetically engineered ingredients, growth hormones or antibiotics. Unfortunately, unless organic, even some non GMO foods are grown with toxic chemicals.
Please summarize your experiences leading to your work as a health and vitality coach. I’ve been helping people on their health journey for more than 21 years. My knowledge and empathy is partly framed by my earlier life experiences with an eating disorder, alcoholism, drug addiction, and unhealthy relationships. I was blessed to find recovery and get healthy. I can see now how addressing my challenges has helped me to become a more effective and compassionate coach. My education is in nutrition, psychology, counseling, and holistic modalities. My core approach comes from studying under Zach Bush, MD.
What are you grateful for, Deana, as you reflect on your health journey? I’m grateful for many things including a wonderful man as my partner, my son, our dog and many friends. We have a vegetable garden and love to cook clean, organic healthy meals every day. I value my time praying, meditating, exercising and having fun with loved ones. I also enjoy doing educational outreach and health events throughout the region at health-friendly places such as ArchWell Health on Venice Island and Freedom Fitness Club in Englewood.